Sunday, November 29, 2020

its Christmas time!

So traditionally in our household we had held off on decorating for Christmas until after Katie's birthday on the 8th of December. Since I'm now flying solo these days, I decided to decorate as soon as I could after Thanksgiving was over. So, I decorated this weekend. Today is the 29th of November 2020. 

I started out by pulling all the Christmas decorations out of the bay that we have had them located in the past in order to decorate the motor home. I found a few strings of lights that weren't working quite right, I fixed one of them, the other 1 I was able to utilize for this year but that I will toss after the end of the Christmas season.

I put together the imitation Christmas tree, and prepared to put it on the pedestal over the steering wheel as I have done for years prior. However, because it is such a weird year of 2020 and not being able to see family and such, I decided that I was going to get a live Christmas tree. And not just a cut Christmas tree, but one that was live and would live on for years to come. So, I ran over to the nearby Safeway store, went to the floral department, and there they had a selection of potted Christmas trees. I picked one out, brought it home, and put it in place and subsequently decorated it. I really do enjoy the Christmas season,  it's going to be very weird not buying a significant number of Christmas gifts, but that's OK. I'm always enjoying the Christmas holiday season, and this year will be no different.

I went yesterday, the 28th of November, to check out a potential campground at Lake Comanche in Amador County. I wanted to have a place to go for Christmas that I could enjoy and again get away from home a little bit just like I did at Thanksgiving. I went out to their website entered that I wanted to stay 3 nights and I seemed to be under the impression there was gonna cost me $52 a nigtt. This was a bit of a shock. But nonetheless I went to Lake Comanche to check it out. I knew that Lake Comanche was dry camping on North Shore, so I was a little baffled at this high price. When I got to security gate and explained to the lady that I just wanted to check out some potential campsites, she said please go help yourself. I asked how much is it per night to stay here? She said, about 10 to $12 a night in the off season. Then when I explained to her what I had seen she said the website can be a little confusing. Well now that I know that it's reasonable price for dry camping I'm all set up a who were the reservation.

Stay tuned for future posts this holiday season as I go forward preparing for the Christmas holiday. 

Safe travels all. 

Eric Anderson

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

Well like the rest of 2020, Thanksgiving this year is different than any other year before for me. It turns out, that earlier this year after some challenging times between my wife and I, we ended up with us getting a divorce. I am now having Thanksgiving by myself. Thankfully, my wife Carol allowed me to have our dogs during the Thanksgiving holiday. I fired up the motor home and drove it just 30 minutes North of Sacramento to a town called Dunnigan where there's an RV park. 

I just wanted some sort of change of scenery. Before leaving Sacramento, I went shopping and bought a couple of frozen Marie calendars Turkey TV dinners, a frozen Sara lee pumpkin pie, some jellied cranberry sauce, and some pillsbury Dinner roll's. I prepared them with as much tradition as I could, and sat down to what turned out to be a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. The benefit, to eating this TV dinner portion of Thanksgiving dinner, was the fact that I didn't over stuff myself. I did however buy a second TV dinner, so that I can have leftovers tomorrow night. 

I really did enjoy the day being able to just hang out with my 2 dogs Charlie, and pirate meanwhile I was filling out Christmas cards that I will mail when I get home. It is truly been a Thanksgiving different than anyone before, but at least I was able to have some traditional feelings to it. Because of COVID 19, I wasn't even able to go visit family who I could have normally if not for being locked down due to the Corona virus. 

None the less I didn't go hungry and I am warm and dry. Plus, i got spend the holiday with a couple of dogs that are very important to me. So, i am in deed thankful and this year was another memorable one! :-)

Safe travels all! Eric Anderson

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The start of a new life

 Greetings, welcome to my blog. I had been happily married to my wife of 21 years up until August of 2020 when my marriage to my wife went off the rails, the cause of which was mostly my fault.

The story really starts more than 10 years ago when my wife Carol and I decided to go full timing. We had lost our house in the financial crash of 2008, Katie, Carols daughter was moving out now that she was 18 and we were looking for a reboot to life and to start seeing the country in our RV, at the time, we owned a 5th wheel, but soon after starting full timing in the 5th wheel, we bought our dream rig, a 2003 Allegro Bus that was 40 feet long with plenty of room for our three dogs and two cats. 

We made the agreement that if at any time we decided we wanted to move back into a house we would do so. This all transpired in 2009 and 2010. If you would like to see a blog of those early days of us full timing, please visit our blog at

Well, our marriage had its ups and downs, but I thought we were managing it fairly well. i had never been a fan of tatoos, but Carol started to get them. Then, there was an incident at an RV park that unnerved Carol and little bit where a guy came to the door of our motorhome asking for pain killers and she then wanted to buy a gun. I am not a fan of guns either, but i eventually aquiest and conceeded to her buying the gun. 

I had tried my hand at a failed RV computer guy business and Carol and I continued on in our lives together trying to get out with the RV when we could, but finding our opportunities did not come as fast as we would have liked. It pretty much got to the point that the only time we took the RV out for a long trip, it was in conjunction with some sort of family event like a marriage, anniversary or family reunion. Not that those were bad outings, it just seemed like, to me at least, like we were not getting out and seeing the nation. 

2020 for all of us has been a rough year, and Carol had been pining before the COVID19 pandemic to buy a house. I was blisstfully happy living in the RV, with only 340 square feet to vacuum and mop and a very small yard to take care of. I had grown accostomed to this new life style and over time had less and less interest in buying a house. 

Well, with the Pandemic life had become so uncertain and I am deathly affraid of a repeat of the financial crisis of 2008. Especially since it was announced that state workers would take a 10% pay cut. That 10% is a small price to pay in comparisson to the impact on many in our nation who have lost their jobs due to resturaunts and other small businesses being closed because of various lock downs. Carol decided that it was time to buy a house, she was done paying rent and someone elses mortgage so she started looking at homes. I remembered our agreement, but I was also troubled with the idea of buying a house with visions of us loosing our home in 2008. 

There is no way that I can cram 10 let alone 20 years of experiences and life decisions into this blog, so needless to say, asside from what you read in this blog, a lot of other actions and dicussions came about. 

But after looking at numerous homes, it became clear to both Carol and I that buying a house was not something I wanted to do. I probably didn't convey my emotions correctly, (im sure an understatement), one thing lead to another and Carol said she would be pursuing a divorce. I'll grant you, a lot of this is probably my fault. I'm in counseling, and though my counselor is succeeding in keeping me from jumping off a bridge, (and maybe that is his goal at this point), I am beginning to sence that we are not doing much to fix me. Some of that may be my fault, and maybe I need to be better about digging down inside myself, and sharing things that I have not thought to share so that he can help me get better. 

Basically, Carol has come to the conclusion that i am shallow. I'm shallow about not finding people with tatoo's physically attractive. Maybe over time, over the next few weeks I will share more in this blog. I use to really enjoy facebook, and there were times that I shared things on facebook and youtube that carol wished i had not. I tried to look at my posts with Carol in mind, but obviously not well enough. So, after a lot of thought I decided to stop my Facebook activity. She said 'Write a journal!'. Well, that is what i was doing on Facebook, but it was to public a medium, and I get that now. 

I've tried a couple times at writing my feelings down burried deep in some book or word document hidden forever on a hard drive, but they never seemed to give me solace or resolution, so I did Facebook posts and Youtube videos. Obviously, those did not go over well. 

So, I am starting a journal here on blogger that is un-related to our luvdoggiez blog because we are no longer together. I like avenues like Blogger as it gives me a chance to not only revisit our, or now 'my' past, but i can also relate pictures and videos to these blog entries. Also, though no one will every probably see my blogger entries here, I can share the URL with my family members so that they can revisit my life if they choose to when they want. More importantly, it gives me a place to return to in order to remember 'Back when'. 

It is the start of the Thanksgiving holiday and I will be taking the motorhome and dogs out for a trip just for a change of scenery. Because of the pandemic, I can't visit family, and this maybe the last trip that i take with Charlie and Pirate, so i'm trying to make the most of it. I'll make another entry, maybe after i get to the campground later today. 

Safe travels all

Eric Anderson  

October 2024

  158 95 Well, this was a very busy month, all though my main VLOG installment for this month would seem to indicate that all I am doing is ...