During the recent week or so, I've done a lot of exploring of the area here in Northern California and Southern Oregon.
On this Saturday, I thought I was going to be getting together with my sister, brother-in-law, their son and his family in the morning up in Medford, but it sounded like they just wanted to spend time with Marq and Stephanie and the grandkids, so I kind of took the hint, plus, I don't want to horn in on their small amount of quality time with the grandkids either, so I get it. Since I was already up in Southern Oregon anyway, I did a google maps search for a trail in the area and found the Jacksonville Trail. As you might guess, the trail is in the vicinity of "Jacksonville" of all places. It was a great trail to go exploring around, the foothills west of Jacksonville. It was right on the edge of town, and in certain spots you could hear the music from the festival in Jacksonville on this day. Once you are kind of up on top of this large flat top foothill, or maybe its a large knoll, you are surrounded by oak trees and in the middle of the day with the sun high up in the center of the sky, it was easy to get disoriented. None the less, I managed to keep my baring's and eventually find my way back to the car. It was a very enjoyable outing! :-)
On this Sunday, at the suggestion of my friend Stephanie, I went to check out Kangaroo Lake here in Siskiyou County. What a wonderful experience that was. Stephanie is always out exploring the area, and I'm trying to get out and be more active since I moved up here to Yreka, so I'm always game for suggestions from anyone in the area. I really love the outdoors. And the exercise is good for Remi as well as myself. Remi does really well on these sorts of hikes, and I know she likes to get out of the house whenever we can. So, of we went. There are actually two places to explore. One of them is the day use area, which is pretty easy to find, the other is a trail that takes you up above the lake for some breathtaking views. I really enjoy doing animal rescue, I find it so very rewarding, but one needs to take care of them self so that they can keep doing the hard work of rescue. I am humbled frankly by the efforts of Stephanie from Siskiyou County Animal Control as well as Ari, Rick, Laura, John, Sandy and others from Rescue Ranch. But we all need our distractions. I know I don't do nearly as much as all these other people when it comes to rescue since I have a job that I must also attend too but getting out in nature is just such a release to me. Plus, I won't be around forever, I need to see what I can while I can. 😁
Today, I took the day off to help out at a Vaccination clinic in an underserved area of the county. I love being able to help out at these sorts of events... Its just all part of that fulfillment in feeling like I'm making a difference. Here I am with Stephanie the Shelter manager and all-around-Jane of all trades at our county shelter.
After I got done with the vaccination clinic, I happened to be going down main street and saw that the Siskiyou County Museum here in Yreka is open. I've been up here for a year and never made it in to check this place out. In a word... WOW This indeed a pride and Joy of the county. Some truly amazing exhibit's throughout the museum and some great ones outside as well which included old store fronts and cabins from the early years of the county. If I ever know someone is going to be passing through town, I will definitely encourage them to go check out the museum 'cuz for this person who has learned to enjoy history as he has gotten older, I absolutely loved this experience.
Here is the video for this weekend's experiences.
Safe travels all
Remi and Eric
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